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Plot Vastu



Several things need careful consideration while going in for construction of a building. The most important of all these is selecting the right plot or site. Sand and its surroundings bring peace and harmony or pains and sorrows in life. Thus it is always advisible to consult an expert on Vastu Shastra before buying a plot or purchasing a house, flat or other buildings instead of calling him in at a later stage to design the building, do supervision and other work. By the time the damage would have already been done.


According to Vastu Shastra, a plot or site of land should not be purchased :
- From those who became insolvent
- From person suffering from leprosy
- From lunatics
- From people who have left the country, etc.

Similarly, land donated to temple, alloted to watchman of village or colony, land in possession of charitable trusts, land without any title deed should not be purchased. Land containing boulders, ant hills, worm hills, bones and skeleton etc, should not be acquired.


- Plot facing East is good for scholars, philosphers, priests, professors, teachers etc.
- Plot facing North is good for those in power, administration and those who work for government.
- Plot facing South is good for business class and for those who work in business organisation.
- Plot facing West is for those who provide supporting services to the society.


This is most important.
If the sorrundings are not good, we suffer in many ways.

- Plots which are fertile with plants and greeneries are very good.
- A river or big canal nearby and if it is in North side and water flows from West to East, it is good.
- Similarly if it is on East side of the plot with water flowing from South to North, that is also good.
- But plots with rivers or canal flowing on West or South side of the plot should be avoided.
- Hills, hillocks, mounds of Earth, big boulders etc on the Southern, South West and Western sides of the plot is good : in other sides, it will mar the progress.
- There should be no graveyard, cemetry or tomb adjacent to the plot or in front or back.
- Location of temples near the plot also affect the immates. Temple on the right side of a plot cause material loss, on the left, grief and sorrow, in front, obstruction to progress and in the 100 feet apart, those disastrous result are avoided.
- Similarly plot very near to Cinema-theatres, schools and colleages are to be avoided.


If there are obstructions of the undernoted types before main gate of the plot, following problems will arise as per BRAHUSANHITHA.
- Big Tree-obstruction to the progress of children,
- Gutter or Ditch-grief,
- Open well- mental problem,
- Corner of another building-mental unrest,
- Water drain-draining of income by unwanted expenses,
- Straight street-affecting longivity of inmates, - Dilapitated house or walls-affecting prosperity,
- Staircase railings-sadness,
- Pillars; Electric and telephone post-affecting females.

According to VASTURAJ and BRAHUSANHITA these are called VEDH DOSHA. But in between the plot and obstacles if there is a public road, these deficiencies are nullified.

Similarly, if the distance between the obstacles and the house is two times the height of the house, these deficiencies will have no effect. For example, if the height of the house is 11 feet and if the obstructions are more than 22 feet away, Vedh Dosha vanishes.


The surroundings of our neighbouring houses on all sides also affect us.

* Rain water falling from the roofs of neighbours should not flow into our plot particularly from North or East direaction.
* The affluent of neighbour should not flow into our plot.
* In the North East side of the plot high-rise or tall buildings should not be there because such high rise buildings give rise to mental unrest. But if they are in South, South West or Western sides that will be auspicious to the buyer of the new plot or house.
* In between two neighbouring big plots, a smaller plot should not be purchased. Similarly between two tall buildings, a small house should not be bought. This will make the buyer poorer day by day.
* A plot measuring 180 feet By 100 feet (180*100) was purchased by three parties.

Here the person who bought plot C turns out to be most prosperous while owner of plot B has to face all sorts of trouble.

that come up while doing excavation for construction.

Sr. No



Stone Increase of wealth
Bricks All types of wealth and prosperity in future
Copper or Metals Prosperous lif
Coal Sickness and loss of wealth
Bones of animals Obstacles to progress
Snake or Scorpion Fear of these animals and obstruction to building's progress
Anthill, Termites Destruction of wealth, reduction in longivity of life
Straw, eggs Death, Unnecessary expenses
Cotton Sorrow
Pieces of wood Has to abondon the house and run away
Skull Unwanted quarrels, litigation
Horns of cow wealth and prosperity
Gold, Silver, Coins All type of comforts
Zinc, Brass pieces Fortune and comforts
Rags (torn clothes) Quarrels and fights
Iron or steel pieces Death


If the soil is found defective as above it must be purified or cleansed before starting any construction in the plot. Shastras have laid many ways for getting rid of SHALYA DOSH.


Slope, size, shape, direction, proportion, location of openings, sorroundings, etc. of a plot have significant influence both positive and negative, on the inmates of building constructed on it. According to Vastu Shastra the shape of the ground surface also influences the fortune of the occupants. As a rule the plot should be elevated in South and West directions, sloping (declining) towards East and North so that water flows from West to East and from South to North. This type of plot brings joy and happiness, good children and all the success in life to the occupants of the building erected on it. According to Shastras a plot is divided into two parts like this :

The Moon's place that is South Western portion of the plot should be elevated and the Sun's place, that is North and Eastern portion should be at lower level. Such a plot will bring joy and happiness, good children and success in life to that family. On the other hand, if Sun's place is elevated and Moon's place is depressed, the owner and family of that house will become poorer day by day, suffer from diseases and get entangled in quarrels and litigations and lose everything gradually. Following diagram shows the effects of slope, that is low level or depression at each corner.

The slope towards mid point, that is all sides elevated but mid point depressed means continuously fighting with diseases and losing every thing. If only Southern direction remains high leveled, it will bring bad effects. Sometimes even death will result.

There are several permutations and combinations of steep and low levels in different directions with varying effects. A Vastu consultant will be of real help in selecting the right plot for size.

Another important point to be kept in view is that the plot should not be too high or too low in level to the abutting roads.


Bigger the size, it is better.

Like different sizes and shapes of human beings, plots available are also of different shapes and sizes. The summarised effects on the inmates of plot of different shaped plot are :

Sr. No.
Shape of the plot
Square (all corners straight and at 90°) shaped Very auspicious, brings health, wealth and happiness.
Rectangular Shaped Good and auspicious. Brings all round prosperity.
Circular Shaped   Good for constructing circular Shaped buildings only.
Wheel Shaped Owner loses financial status and faces poverty.
Odd Shaped (irregular shaped) Causes all types or problems and poverty.
Triangular Shaped Affects progress and causes problems from government.
Bhadarshan Shaped Not good for residence. Can be used for special type of buildings like government buildings only.
Cart Shaped Causes wants and poverty, even imprisonment. The owner has to run here and there like a Cart.
Long bar Shaped Not good if used for cattle shed, the cattle reared here perish.
Damru shaped (a tiny size musical damru with deep bend in the middle) Will have very bad effect on the eye sight of inmates. Also everyone in the house will lose discretion fright judgement.
Visham Bahu (disproportionate shouldered) Affects health, involves in mates in court litigations, drives them to poverty.
Drum or Dholak or Mirdung Shaped Will cause loss of wife and other female members of the family
Hand-Pan Shaped Creates loss of wealth, cattle etc. This can be corrected and used if other aspects conform to Vastu principles.
Varahan Mukhi Akaar (pig faced Shaped) Causes death of brothers and relatives.
Turtle shaped plot Causes to the owner and his family members imprisonment, untimely death and murders.
Window shaped plot (used for hand winnowing to separate grains from chaff) The inmates of this plot lose mental peace and face poverty.
Bow shaped plot Inmates of this plot face fear of theft, loot, attack by enemies etc.
Muslakar plot (long oval like plot with cut in one side) It brings enmity and loss of friendship
Hexagon shaped plot This is considered good if all other Vastu principles are followed. Is said to be helpful in progress of family members.
Ellipitical plot (a regular oval shaped) Loss in many ways like money, women and respect.
Polygonal plot (Panch Mukh) Such plot should not be inhabited before making it a rectangular plot otherwise it will bring legal litigations and false allegations.
Octagonal (Astha Kon) plot Is auspicious and will bring all round prosperity.
Pot type plot People who live on this plot face problems and obstacles for progress.
Simha Mukh (lion faced) like a lion's face wider in front Not good for residential purposes. Is very auspicious for business organisation.
Gaumukh (cow faced) like a cows face narrow in front Auspicious provided the roads are in Southern and Westeren sides of plot.


Plots are always not available in the shape of perfect square, rectangular or quarrangle. Projections means an additional space which when substracted from the plot, makes it a regular square or rectangle. While retraction means an additional space which when added to the plot, makes it a regular square or rectangle. The effects of projections, retractions and closing of corners or the inmates are as follows :

Sr. No.
Projection in Direction
North East Health, wealth, happiness and progress will be the results.
North East projected towards as well as North Wealth and prosperity, peace of mind and plenty.
North-West projected at West Good for women organisations and politicians.
North West projected North Suffering of women, mental problems, heavy expenditure and losses in business.
South East extended at East Losses and harrasment by government.
South East extended at South Health problems, litigations decline in income.
South West extended at South Misery to women folk and sickness.
South West extended at West Bad names to makes, mental problems to women, loss of wealth.
North East Mars progress and prospects. Loss of children and wealth. Mental unrest and sickness leading to happiness allaround.
North West Disease, loss of wealth, fear of life and theft.
South East Poverty and diseases
South West Sickness of wife, mental worry and unhappiness.
North East Disastrous
South East Wealth will be destroyed and children's progress in affected.
North West Progress of the family will be effected leading to bankrupty and mental problems.
South West Permitted without blocking the pathway.


Which room should be constructed in which direction, if this is not kept in mind while planning a house, the whole building may go against the principles Vastu Shastra and it will create lot of troubles causing irreparable harms and loss to the owner / inmates.


Doors of each room should be facing East.
Bedrooms should be in South and West.
Placement of mirrors on South and West wall are inauspicious.
While sleeping head should be in South or West but never in North.
Pooja room should be in North East. All idols and photographs should be facing East or West.
Toilet seat should be in North-South only. It should not be in East-West.
Out houses should not touch the compound wall of North and East side.
Stairs should always be in clock-wise direction.
Anything underground should be in North or East.
Anything above ground should be in South or West.
Porch should not touch the North or East compound wall.
Big trees should not be grown in North or East. They should be in South or West side of the house.
Face East or North while reading or transacting any business deal.
Face East while cooking, West is allowed if there is no alternative, but never face South while cooking.
Total number of doors and windows should be in even number for each floor, but should not end in zero like 10, 20, 30. The width of the door should be half the height of the door. The door should not be too high, too low, too wide or too narrow. The doors should be rectangular and square doors should always be avoided.
Ventilation should be looked after and good cross ventilation should be present.
Never put the poster of crying girl, war scene, sexy scenes, angry man, owl, eagle etc : they are inauspicious.
Doors should open inside the room and not outside.
In bed rooms, always use bed of four legs only. Never use box type bed because it stops the air circulation under the bed which is bad for health.
Never eat or drink in standing position.
No room should be built under the stairs.
The cupboard in the wall should be in the Southern or Western part direction of the house.
In thse kitchen, grinder, fridge, shelf and other heavy items should be towards South and West wall.
There should be no water body in front of any entrance door of the house.



Q. What are the factors to bekept in view while preparing the building Map of Exteriors ?
Ans. Proportion of width and length of the building :
The ratio between length and breadth of the building should normally be 1:1 or 1:1.5 or maximum 1:2. It should not exceed 1:2 in all circumstances. The building dimension should preferably be longer in North-South, shorter in East-West.



Ground level should be higher in West, SouthWest and South as compaired to East, North and NorthEast. It is better to keep NorthEast the lowest.


Floor level should be higher in South, SouthWest, SouthEast and Western portion and lower in North, NorthEast and East. The water should flow towards East or North and not in other directions. Central zone should be even.


It is better to keep roofing sloping towards East and North.


Now a days it has become a fashion to keep roofs deeply slopy :

(1) Keeping the roofs slopy symmetrically in all sides : or
(2) If the slope is on East or North sides only, keeping the East or North or both sides down. The idea is to keep South and West heights in level. Slanting towards South or West only should be avoided as that will lead to serious health problems.


There are two options :

(1) Height can be equal every where in the building.
(2) Keeping South, SouthWest and West higher as compared to other parts of the building. Conversely North, NorthEast and East should be lower in heights.


All these should be located only in North, East and NorthEast sides of the building to bring health, wealth and happiness. Balconies should face North and East.


(a projected floor in between ground and first floor as seen in Cinema theatres) This should be placed in West or South side of the building.


Normally building cellars and basement rooms etc. below the road level of a house should be avoided. Due to paucity of space now a days building cellars or basement is being widely adopted. Care should be taken to keep the height of the cellar or basement projecting up above the road level to some extent. Cellars or basement covering the entire plot is all right. If it is to be constructed only in a portion of basement it should be located only in North, NorthEast and East sides preferably with entrance from NorthEast. If constructed on SouthWest that should be used for heavy storage. NorthWest and SouthWest portion should be used for servants, car parking etc.

If cellars or basement are built in South, SouthWest and West and used for living that will create mental tension and loss of wealth for inmates.


Placing stair case in North or West zone turning right in the middle and emerging in the first floor facing East or South or SouthWest zone is also auspicious. While climbing one should face West or South up to middle point and after that one can face any direction; emerging at the end at NorthEast portion is considered auspicious.

It will be auspicious to keep doors both at beginning and at the end of the stair case. It is also essential to ensure that the stair case does not touch Eastern or Northern wall. The steps should be in odd numbers like 11, 17, 23 etc. In other words, if the number is divided by 3, the remainder.


The best place to construct servant quarter is South-East or North-West corners. Care should be taken to ensure
(1) not to block the corners at SouthEast or NorthWest.
(2) the quarters should not touch the walls on East or North.


The best place for garage is South-East or North-West and the garage walls should not touch the walls on East or North.


A regular concrete shelter or alternatively a wooden chowki is made in South-West or other place near main gate. The shelter should be facing East or North. It is important to ensure that the watchman can easily see every movement from a distance itself.


North-West or South-West zones are the right places for overhead tank. Since it is of having weight at a height, South-West is the best. Precaution should be taken to ensure that the overhead tank does not touch the main building.


The right place for underground reservior or water tank is the NorthEast, the place of Eshwar, the God Supreme. The next choice is East Zone on the Northern side.


The best place to locate a swimming pool is the NorthEast side. It is better to build the swimming pool in a corner (and not exactly at junction of North and East points) where privacy is ensured.


For this Southern or Western side should be used. South-West or North-West corners and central place of the house or building should never be used for this purpose. If possible Eastern and Northern side should also be avoided. The person sitting in water closets should face North or South or South-West and never the East Direction.


Vastu concepts regarding the plants and their plantation must be kept in mind so as to make your home not just superficially beautiful, but also Vastu oriented. As a general rule, gardens in homes or factories should always be in the North or West and of the compound. The South-East and South-West are not to be selected for any kind of garden or plantation. Fruit bearing trees or trees with good foliage are always preferred to thorny trees. Care should be taken not to grow trees which have huge penetrating roots as it can prove harmful for the house.


Generally gates in North, North-East and East directions are auspicious and good. Roadfacing South is not generally preferred. In South road plots, SouthWest gate should be avoided. South-East gate is a better choice. In a plot facing West (road on Western side) SouthWest main entrance gate should be avoided; NorthWest gate is a better option. East or North direction is the best for placing main gate.


Height of the building should be uniform to get the most advantageous results. There must be uniformity among projections or elevations. The higher or lower level of the building in any of the eight directionshas the following effects as given in Shastras :

North Brings good, comfort and prosperity Harmful in every sense
NorthEast All prosperity benefits Poverty and sufferings
SouthEast If lower than Nairitya, it is auspicious, but if lower than Vayaya or Eeshan, fear of fire and enemy and breeds ill. If higher than Nairitya, it is inauspicious, if higher than Eeshan or Vayaya, it brings wealth.
East Name and fame, long life Loss of children
South Diseases, loss of wealth and brings economic difficulties Economic and health benefits


First of all an ideal site, free from any of Vastu defects should be selected. After selecting the site, in designing a lay-out for industry and providing for utilities special attention should be paid for the following aspects :

The sloping of floors should be towards East, North and North-East, More open space should be left in the East and North side.
Building's height can be equal in all sides, otherwise South and Western sides should not be taller in height as compared to East and North.
Well, bore well, underground reservior, sink, pools, swimming pools etc. should be located in North-East or Eastern zone, preferably between MidEast and NorthEast.
Stair cases should always be provided in SouthWest part of the building.
Overhead water tank may be erected in SouthWest, South or West. Its height should be more than that of buildings height in NorthEast corner.
Toilets may be placed in NorthWest or SouthEast. NorthEast and SouthWest corners should be strictly avoided for this purpose.
Weigh bridge or weighing machines may be placed in NorthWest or CentralEast.
Parking of heavy vehicles like trucks, tractors, trollies or cranes etc, should be on the roads outside or if it is to be inside, they should be parked in SouthWest zone.
Cycles, scooter, cars, light commercial vehicles can be parked in NorthWest, North or East side of buildings. NorthEast should always be free from any parking of vehicles.
Lawns with big avenue trees can be developed on South and West sides.
Small lawns with fountains etc (without big trees) can be developed in NorthEast, North and East also. Here only small plants can be grown.
Administrative and other office blocks can be constructed in North, East, South or SouthWest keeping the heights of these buildings lower than that of main factory.
Staff quarters may be built on East without touching East wall, in North, West or SouthEast. Multi storyed flats may be constructed in South zone without touching main factory building.
Staff canteen may be placed in SouthEast.
Guard Room should be placed near gates in such an advantageous position so that the guards can see approaching persons, vehicles etc. without any obstruction. NorthEast direction should be avoided for a guard room or security cabin. For East facing gate the security office should be on SouthEast side of gate, and for North facing gate it should be on NorthWest side.
Time office should be placed near gate for entry for workers but not in the South direction.
Heavy plants and machinaries should be erected in West, South and SouthWest zones leaving the NorthWest and SouthEast corners. NorthEast and centre of the building should be avoided for placing heavy machinaries.
Light and auxillary machines, work equipments and tools can be placed in Eastern and Northern sides except in NorthEast, NorthWest and SouthEast corners.
Generator, boilers, ovens,oilfired or electric furnaces, switch gears, capacitors, transformers, control panels, smoke chimney etc. all should be located in SouthEast.
Heavy raw materials stores may be placed in SouthWest, South or West.
Semi processed materials can be stocked in South or West sides.
Finished goods stores, packing and forwarding can be in NorthWest, in East or SouthEast. NorthWest is preferable. NorthEast should always be avoided.
Maintenance workshop may be in South, SouthWest avoiding NorthEast and centre. Maintenance and consumable stores should be nearer to the workshop.
A temple (even a small will do) in the NorthEast corner should be built and maintained neat and clean. No material should be stacked here.
Toilets in the administrative building or in other parts of factory or mill should be made in SouthEast or NorthWest area and if septic tank is to be built for that purpose, it should be built in between North and NorthWest or between East and SouthEast.


First of all an ideal site, free from any of Vastu defects should be selected. After selecting the site, in designing a lay-out for industry and providing for utilities special attention should be paid for the following aspects :

The sloping of floors should be towards East, North and North-East, More open space should be left in the East and North side.
Building's height can be equal in all sides, otherwise South and Western sides should not be taller in height as compared to East and North.
Well, bore well, underground reservior, sink, pools, swimming pools etc. should be located in North-East or Eastern zone, preferably between MidEast and NorthEast.
Stair cases should always be provided in SouthWest part of the building.
Overhead water tank may be erected in SouthWest, South or West. Its height should be more than that of buildings height in NorthEast corner.
Toilets may be placed in NorthWest or SouthEast. NorthEast and SouthWest corners should be strictly avoided for this purpose.
Weigh bridge or weighing machines may be placed in NorthWest or CentralEast.
Parking of heavy vehicles like trucks, tractors, trollies or cranes etc, should be on the roads outside or if it is to be inside, they should be parked in SouthWest zone.
Cycles, scooter, cars, light commercial vehicles can be parked in NorthWest, North or East side of buildings. NorthEast should always be free from any parking of vehicles.
Lawns with big avenue trees can be developed on South and West sides.
Small lawns with fountains etc (without big trees) can be developed in NorthEast, North and East also. Here only small plants can be grown.
Administrative and other office blocks can be constructed in North, East, South or SouthWest keeping the heights of these buildings lower than that of main factory.
Staff quarters may be built on East without touching East wall, in North, West or SouthEast. Multi storyed flats may be constructed in South zone without touching main factory building.
Staff canteen may be placed in SouthEast.
Guard Room should be placed near gates in such an advantageous position so that the guards can see approaching persons, vehicles etc. without any obstruction. NorthEast direction should be avoided for a guard room or security cabin. For East facing gate the security office should be on SouthEast side of gate, and for North facing gate it should be on NorthWest side.
Time office should be placed near gate for entry for workers but not in the South direction.
Heavy plants and machinaries should be erected in West, South and SouthWest zones leaving the NorthWest and SouthEast corners. NorthEast and centre of the building should be avoided for placing heavy machinaries.
Light and auxillary machines, work equipments and tools can be placed in Eastern and Northern sides except in NorthEast, NorthWest and SouthEast corners.
Generator, boilers, ovens,oilfired or electric furnaces, switch gears, capacitors, transformers, control panels, smoke chimney etc. all should be located in SouthEast.
Heavy raw materials stores may be placed in SouthWest, South or West.
Semi processed materials can be stocked in South or West sides.
Finished goods stores, packing and forwarding can be in NorthWest, in East or SouthEast. NorthWest is preferable. NorthEast should always be avoided.
Maintenance workshop may be in South, SouthWest avoiding NorthEast and centre. Maintenance and consumable stores should be nearer to the workshop.
A temple (even a small will do) in the NorthEast corner should be built and maintained neat and clean. No material should be stacked here.
Toilets in the administrative building or in other parts of factory or mill should be made in SouthEast or NorthWest area and if septic tank is to be built for that purpose, it should be built in between North and NorthWest or between East and SouthEast.

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